Tuesday, March 4, 2008
JanEbruArch... is that a month?
I know, I know! I am so far behind. If you all only knew what life has been like in our home since Christmas... I guess you wold know if I had blogged!!! Well let me give you some insight...
January 3rd I traveled to Hillsboro for a few days to begin my new job as a trainer for Willamette Dental Group. I have worked in the front office for over a year with the company so the move up to trainer was a big deal! So now I train new Patient Services Representatives and act as sort of an operations specialist for the Central Washington Region, which includes offices in Northgate, Seattle, Kent, Puyallup, and Federal Way. My first day in my office (in Kent) my manager did not come, no one else knew I was coming, and my desk was completely empty... we're talking not even the computer or a phone! Needless to say I have been busy in my new position!
In February Matt went to Reno for work; they call it something like...USBank instore camp. This year Matt actually taught classes! I was very proud of him. But I missed him very much. Especially since our car broke down the week he was gone! And when he returned, he came home with a 102 fever for 4 days! So much for Valentines day!
Also in February I turned 27 and we celebrated by going to Anthony's in Des Moines with family for dinner and joining our church! We are now members at First Presbyterian Church in North Tacoma. We are very excited!
Charlotte has grown tremendously since the holidays. She is over 27 inches long and 16 pounds! She is so petite that it surprises strangers when she crawls out of her car seat and stands straight up or that she sits in high chairs at restaurants and eats cheerios! She has taken a few steps on her own but prefers to have at least a finger tip touching something. She is a talker! She says the usual, "Momma" and "Da-da" and the rest is random sounds and squeals! When she is mad at me she yells, "Mum"! It makes me laugh! She is in general very happy and bouncy! She did scare her Auntie Erin half to death last week by taking a tumble with a television. She had to get liquid stitches on her lip, and had some bruises and swelling, but by the evening was chattering away like nothing had happened. She was a little grumpier and delirious over the weekend, but we all survived!
Of course this is the abbreviated version of the last couple months. Those are the things I remember the most. The rest seemed like a whirlwind of illnesses, cleaning house, driving, finding better ways to baby proof the house, and well... just reminding ourselves to take it one day at a time! As I went in for my infusion last Friday I told Matt that I was sorta looking forward to it... I mean once the IV is in then I get to sit in peace and quiet for 3-4 hours, with magazines and cable television! Thank God for my infusions!
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