Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Pres Website

I do not often talk about work, but I am excited about our recent accomplishment there! I truly love working for First Presbyterian Church School and feel blessed for the opportunities that have opened up to me! As we work hard to create a “brand” for the school and bring it into the 21st century, an updated website was crucial. Although I still plan on adding more features and making slight changes over the next few months, I was thrilled when we finally launched our new site this week! I have worked very hard to build this site and have taken most of the photos for it myself as well! If you feel like visitin … here is the site:


Heather said...

Do you work from home?

Sara Moriarty said...

Looks great Nadine. And those photos are awesome. I'm so happy that you shared this!

Mrs. Camandona said...

Wow, that looks wonderful! I really like the way that the photos are all muted on there. Did you take those yourself?