Well, the Oregon Ducks played UW Huskies in Seattle this year, and so with Papa & Nana's new motorhome we tailgated for the first time at Husky stadium. This was Charlotte's and Grandma Juju's very first football game! Brad is a husky fan, but we all had a good time together (the Ducks won the game ;) ). Charlotte had a great time. She really got into the cheering- except she got a little confused whent he majority of the crowd would cheer for the huskies and we wouldn't! She also talked about Donald Duck the whole time. From where we were sitting he was just tiny, but she seemed to be able to spot him at all times! SO during the fourth quarter we went down to the Oregon section (where the band was sitting) and called the Duck mascot over to say hello. As the Duck came running over, she apparently was SHOCKED that Donald was so big, because as he got close she began screaming- like Donald was going to eat her! The crowd around us kind of laughed and ahhh'd. We did finally get her to clam down and give him a high five- then the crowd cheered for her! It was all so funny!
Another little interesting tidbit about tailgating at Husky stadium. You have to wait for the people in front of you to leave before you can leave... and after the game, the people surrounding us, pulled all their stuff back out and started making dinner.... dude it was crazy! Thanks Papa and Nana for taking us to the game, and dealing with those crazy huskies!!!!
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