Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sister Princess Sleeping Duty!

For a number of reasons, Matt and I just had it in our heads that we were having a boy. None of them really good pregnancy symptoms were SO different than with Charlotte, we both grew up in a "1 girl- 1 boy" family, and we already had a girl so naturally next we would have a boy. We decided to take Charlotte with us to the ultrasound, so all day we kept asking her if she thought it was a boy or a girl... a brother or a sister. She stayed firm all day,"SISTER!" Matt and I would kind of snicker at each other every time this happened... like she was wrong and we already knew it. ~ The ultrasound ended up being really long. Our little baby would wiggle, but wouldn't give us a clear view! Finally, 40 minutes or so into the ultrasound the technician was positive- "It's a Girl!". Charlotte by this point was no longer interested and was practically rolling on the floor. I tried to get her excited again by saying, "Charlotte! Are you excited to have a sister?" Her response, "NO". I like to believe that this is simply because she was bored of being in that dark room, and because, well.. she already knew it was gonna be a girl! Later that weekend we began asking Charlotte what she wanted to name the baby, "Ummm... uh.... ummm... how bout Princess Sleeping Duty?" That was one of her lovely ideas. But won't it be fun fr them?! Two little girls! She will have a little princess friend to play with! A girlfriend for life! I am so excited now for my two little girls!


The Terps said...

I love the name Princess Sleeping Duty. Hilarious.


Mrs. Camandona said...

You know, Diana wanted to call me Stephanie Giraffe, but I think Princess Sleeping Duty is much more creative! We are so excited for you guys!