We spent Thanksgiving with Grandma Julee, Great Grandma and Grandpa Kelsey, Uncle Sean, and Aunt Lindsay. I made homemade pumpkin baby food for Charlotte, but it was not a hit! I have tried all the tricks since then...and still she will not eat pumpkin. Funny that in the baby recipe book it reads, "...and babies just love the flavor of pumpkin!" Not this baby! Sorry daddy, your first born is not a pumpkin eater!
Over this past weekend we celebrated Matt's birthday. No... he didn't turn 1, but it was his first birthday as a daddy! On Saturday we had lunch at Red Robin with Grandma Kohler and Roger and then for dinner we went to Olive Garden with Grandma Julee, Uncle Sean, and Aunt Lindsay. Whew... it was a very exciting day! Thanks everybody... the food and company was great!
Sure it's the Kohler Family blog... but we wouldn't be much of a family without our little girl! So I am sure that most of what I will be blogging about will be about Charlotte.
How I wish I would've started this 7 months ago when Charlotte was still on her way... but better late than never. Over the past few weeks I have had visions of the future... the future where I am asking myself, "why didn't I take 30 minutes a week and just do the blog?" I certainly have not kept up on Charlotte's photo albums or scrap book, but who can keep up on those? My hope is that this will be an easy and fun way to share and look back!