Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tinker Bell B-Day Party

With all the craziness of work recently and well just being tired... Charlotte's birthday party was a last minute plan! Surprisingly, we still had pletny of friends and family who were able to make it for Charlotte's Tinker Bell Birthday Party! Charlotte loved all the toys, clothes (especially the dress up clothing), but mostly she just loved having everyone here. She asked for days where everyone went after the party and when would they come back! Thank you everyone for making this a special day for our Lil Miss Charlotte!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Charlotte turns 3!

Our big girl turned 3 years old! Pretty hard to believe! I really need to video tape her more because describing her with words hardly does her justice. She is loud, bouncy, dramatic, comedic, musical, beautiful, talkative, and giggly! Her speech has improved drastically over the past few months, but when she gets excited or is playing pretend, she reverts right back to light speed jabbering! She loves to sing songs like “Twinkle, Twinkle”, “ABC’s”, “I know You” (from Sleeping Beauty), “R-A-I-N-Y”, and “Jesus Loves Me”. She also makes up songs all the time- in fact a lot of her chattering is very sing-songy in nature! Some of her most common phrase are: “Good Job! You Did It!” “Oh, that’s so cute!” or “Oh, that’s so bunny (funny)!” She loves other kids, and seems to be excited about getting a baby sister. She has an amazing imagination; she loves to pretend she is a puppy. This pretend game consists of lots of barking, crawling around on her hands and knees and licking you for kisses. We have entered into the princess and tinkerbell phase- it is hard to keep her in her regular clothing, she would prefer to dress up as a fairy or a princess. Charlotte is an amazing little girl! I felt blessed the day she was born and I feel blessed every day to have her in our lives. Although at times I want to freeze time, I also cannot wait to see what she surprises us with this year! We love you Little Miss Charlotte! Love, Momma & Daddy

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Charlotte Cheese

The Almost Sleepover

A few weeks back we had cousin Christian over to play, and the plan was to have him spend the night. He didn't quite make it as an over night adventure, but the kids had fun together playing and watching the movie "Cars" and eating popcorn! Hard to believe that both of these kiddos are almost 3 years old and both getting new baby sisters in August!