Saturday, August 30, 2008

Anderson Island Visits

Recently we have spent some time out on Anderson Island. Here are some picutres of us waiting for the ferry. And also Matt and Charlotte went out o visit the Hillmans and friends. Charlotte was a big fan of Kristin's dog Bear.

All by herself

She can do it all by herself! This video was taken over a month ago, at the park a block from our house. She usually runs right back to the steps after she slides down.. Not sure what the deal was this particular day!

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Park (& the Slide)

So here are some of these great park moments I mentioned. At the park by our house she can even climb the stairs, and go down the slide ALL BY HERSELF! In the pics below you will see her smiles as she enjoys the slide... except for when Daddy got crazy and took her on the BIG slide. I still, to this day laugh out loud when I look at these pictures because it was the funniest thing to watch in person. I told Matt that might be too much for her, but he thought she would be fine if they went together... that made it worse... He leaned back onto his shirt thus propelling them even faster down the long curvy slide. Poor Charlotte! The second they stopped at the bottom of the slide she started to cry and wanted mommy! I tried not to laugh as I comforted her... what a horrible mom, laughing at my child's fear! But if you had seen it, you would have laughed too!

The New Plan

I still have many summer fun moments that I have been unable to post. Charlotte has been thoroughly enjoying the parks, including slides (as long as they are not too big--DADDY!) music and dancing as well. We celebrated her buddy Christian's 1st birthday in July too! It has been a busy time! Furthermore, Matt and I made some big decisions over the last few months. We have struggled and prayed over what to do, but now the decision has been made... I have decided to get my Masters in Education. I have been accepted to AIU (an online program) and will begin classes August 25th. In order to spend more time with my family and be able to accomplish my studies I have chosen to leave my current position with Willamette Dental. I have been offered a part time position as the Office Coordinator at First Presbyterian Church School in Tacoma (only 4 minutes from our house)! Thank you God for having a plan! Mine never seem to work out as well as his... so I continue to pray for the strength to be open to his plan and his work in our lives. Thank you friends and family for all of your prayers and support in this difficult decision and the road ahead.