Monday, August 24, 2009

Bringing home a baby bumble bee...

I cannot remember the date now.. but back in July, Charlotte got stung by a bee for the first time. She had been singing the song, "I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee" quite a bit- and I think she got the wrong idea- or at least didn't pay much attention to the 2nd verse. She is a tough girl though... so I heard her scream initially. She came running in to the kitchen and yelled, "Owie! BEBE BEE (baby bee)!" The scream seamed real, but she wasn't really crying, just whining. So I sat her down and started feeding her lunch. Every few minutes, she would shake her hand and say, "Owie, Owie." Then about 30 minutes later, she whimpered again, "oh no bebe bee."- I looked at her hand and it was completely swollen, it looked like it was going to explode! So i gave her some baby benedryl and off to bed she went. It wasn't that I didn't believe her in the first place, she just didn't seem upset enough!
After nap time, to EVEN FURTHER confirm, the bee... she got up and went straight to the living room, and started pointing at the floor saying, "bebe bee!" And sure enough... there on the floor was that darn baby bee!

1 comment:

Mrs. Camandona said... all of your recent posts...especially this one and the sticker one! I am sure that her reaction to the bee was similar to the look she gave when Belle's dad was being chased by the wolves and when my naughty kitty rapped her on the head. Poor Charlotte! FYI we miss you guys...we are totally having withdrawals after having seen you like every week for 2 months!