Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bee Happy Halloween

(Mia & Charlotte)
Halloween this year was a busy day! Our evening turned out to bee a lot of fun! After chili dinner at Diana's (Lindsay's sister) we went to the Proctor area and met up at the Fix's house to join up with Mia and all the kids to do some door to door trick or treating. We quickly discovered that a block away at Mason Middle School was a fun Halloween party with games and candy! This was actually a lot of fun for Charlotte! Thanks to everyone who made our night a great Halloween! (Uncle Sean, Baby Bee, & Momma)
Charlotte got a little yellow star painted on her face and she kept saying, "Winkle winkle wittle star- its butiful!" SO CUTE!
(Lindsay & Garrett Camandona & the boys)
The gorilla was a little scarry for Charlotte, so we had to walk like 10 feet apart while his gorilla head was on!

1 comment:

Erin Leigh said...

LOoks like a ton of fun! Charlotte looks BEautiful!!! I always knew she was adorable... but is looks quite grown up and BEAUTIFUL!!! Her hair is so pretty!