April 21, 2008
How did the year go by so fast? My little tiny 4 ½ pound baby is walking, talking (well chattering), laughing, and singing! Right now because the walking is still new, she walks with her hands in the air, often above her head. She talks usually the whole way, so it’s not hard to figure out where she is. She loves chasing Lola and giggles when she gets close. I am pretty sure she understands a lot of what we say even though she is not verbalizing it herself. I will often get a shaking hand and head saying , “no, no, no” when I tell her we need to leave grandma’s for instance. But when I mention that we can go home to see Lola, she quickly stops all the no shaking and takes my hand to leave. She also kicks with excitement in her high chair when I ask if she wants cheese or cookies. It is just amazing watching her little brain work. If we say, “Charlotte, where are mommy’s eyes?” she will point to our eyes. The same goes for a few other body parts. She loves singing “Head-Shoulders-Knees-&Toes along with patty-cake and the Itsy-bitsy Spider! She still thoroughly enjoys watching Disney Sing-Along Videos and has started watching Sesame Street now too. At Auntie Erin’s and Great Grandma and Grandpa Kelsey’s she watches the Mickey Mouse clubhouse… oh to see the excitement that opening song brings her! She brings so much joy to our lives in so many ways! From watching her grow and learn… to rubbing her feet and legs and cheeks just the way she likes it! It is truly a miracle that she is here and I can’t imagine life without her!