Wednesday, May 14, 2008

3 Year Anniversary

Oh how life has changed from those days... this is from our honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta in May 2005. I think we look pretty much the same... but boy have we changed! Sometimes I miss that excitement and passion that surrounds being newlyweds (or newly in love). Our vacation to Hawaii this March was although great... not what our vacations used to be. Am I complaining... certainly not! I love the life we are building together! We have a beautiful daughter to raise and a home that we have (no doubt) put blood, sweat, and tears into! Sometimes the days and weeks are long and hard... and I feel like I hardly get to see or talk to my husband at all... but when we finally do find the time to cherish each other that time is priceless. This is what we set out to do... create a life together in which no one else can break our bond, our love, or our home! I love you Matt!


Erin Leigh said...

I love to read your posts. It makes me feel close to you and your growing family... even though we don't hang out as much as we want to. Happy three year... I teared up when I read this blog cause it's so true... we have changed so much! xoxo

Mrs. Camandona said...

So yesterday I was thinking " is Matt and Nadine's anniversary...I think" and then I got on here to show Charlotte's picture to someone and I was like "indeed it is their anniversary." I can't believe it's been 3 years! Congratulations!!!

Kristen said...

Congrats you two!! Miss you and wish we could see each other way more often than we do now. Always thinking about you though... and always reading your blog to see what's happening. :) Love you!

Tia Tobi said...

Hey there Nades! How are you? I found your blog off of Erin's. Your family is BEAUTIFUL! Charlotte is SO precious with your beautiful big blue eyes. congrats of 3 years! I am glad to hear all is well

Sara Moriarty said...

i teared up too... isn't it amazing how life changes as time goes by. it always gets richer though. it always makes me feel better to know that friends are going through the same things that i am and that we can share stories, laughter, and support. congrats to you both!!