Saturday, May 10, 2008

Birthday Stats

Charlotte finally had her 1 year checkup... which of course I was dreading. Charlotte has had some bad reactions to those darn vaccines. I was of course ignored and treated like an overprotective mommy at first, but eventually after vaccinations in the fall that resulted in almost 103 fever, the nurse acknowledged that she may have an allergy to one of them. They decided that it must be the whooping cough vaccine, so we have eliminated it. But last Thursday she got the other vaccines and unfortunately had another tough time starting at about 2 a.m. Her fever was only 99.2 at 2:30 a.m. so we gave her tylenol, but surprisingly her fever increased over the next 2 hours to almost 102. Poor girl! She was miserable for a few days, but is ok now. So at one year our little girl weighs in at... 17 1/2 pounds (3%) 27 inches (8%)

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